Digital Mobility Solutions Conference logo

One bus holds over 20,000 chips. Software is contributing to the safety, sustainability and passenger & driver comfort and is essential in including bus services in the multimodal mobility models of the future as well as the growth of demand responsive passenger transport. Busworld wants to match digital mobility solutions with bus and coach operations, to better match supply and demand.

This event will be held in collaboration with ERTICO, ITxPT and Espaces Mobilités.

Advisory Board

  • Joost Vantomme, ERTICO / ITS-Europe, CEO
  • Keith McDonnel, GPN, CEO of EI Travel
  • Bjorn Ragnarsson, GPN, CEO of
  • Xavier Tackoen, Espaçes Mobilités, Managing Director
  • Gabriele Grea, University Bocconi di Milano, Researcher
  • Anders Selling, ITxPT, Secretary General



Monday October 6th

08.45 - 09.45 Opening session: Market overview and trends in the European bus and coach market

Tuesday October 7th

09.00 - 11.00

The DATA-chapter: Collection, storage and exchange of mobility data, including

standardization, cyber security, AI, regulations for data spaces, etc..

11.15 - 12.15

User awareness & inclusion on the implementation of digital assets in passenger


11.30 - 12.30

Integrating demand responsive transport services for economically viable efficient

public transport in rural areas 

13.00 - 14.15

ADAS & autonomous buses: Status of technology and criteria for successful implementation

13.30 - 14.45

Fleet management systems and technologies for opex reduction

15.00 - 16.15 Access to cities for coaches and long distance bus services
15.00 - 16.15 Software to steer smart energy management systems & charging strategies
16.30 - 17.45 Implementation of buses in multimodal mobility systems (MAAS)
18.00 - 21.00 Busworld Europe 2025 Network Dinner

    In collaboration with

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