Conference sponsor: € 7,500 

  • Your company logo on all communications related to this conference
  • Your company logo on the screen at the start and end of each seminar of this conference
  • A participation in the Conference Advisory Board, deciding on topics and speakers
  • Opportunity to put your banner in the congress network area
  • 3 free company tickets for the Busworld Congress
  • 3 free tickets for the Network Dinner
  • 2 keynote presentations in 2 different seminars of this conference


Session sponsor: € 4,000

  • Your company logo on all communications on this session
  • Your company logo on the screen before and after the session
  • Opportunity to put your banner in the congress network area
  • 2 free company tickets for the Busworld Congress
  • 2 free tickets for the conference for your clients
  • 1 free ticket for the Network Dinner
  • 1 keynote presentation
  • 1 participation in the panel debate


Keynote presentation: € 2,000 (max. 2 company keynotes per session)

  • 1 free ticket for the conference (chapter-sessions)
  • 1 free ticket for the Network Dinner
  • 10-minute keynote presentation, at the start of the session


Participation in a panel debate: € 1,000 (max. 4 company panelists)

  • 1 free ticket for the conference
  • 1 seat in the panel debate in a session of your choice

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